Wart & Verruca Removal

Warts and verrucae are small and unsightly skin lesions that affect around 1 in 10 people in the UK. Although warts and verrucae are not dangerous, they can grow on visible areas of the body, and consequently, create a lack of self-esteem and loss of confidence. Traditionally, warts and verrucae have been treated using creams, ointments, and invasive cryotherapy.

Warts and verrucae (plantar warts) can be effectively removed using either laser treatment or cryotherapy. Both methods have their unique advantages and considerations. Here’s an overview of how each treatment works: 

Laser Treatment: 

  1. Procedure: Laser treatment involves the use of a focused beam of light to target and destroy the wart tissue. The laser heats up and vaporizes the blood vessels feeding the wart, effectively killing the infected tissue.
  1. Application: A laser is directed precisely onto the wart, often in short bursts to avoid excessive heating of the surrounding healthy tissue.
  1. Effectiveness: Laser treatment is usually very effective for removing warts. It can penetrate deeply into the skin to destroy the virus causing the wart and can be especially useful for larger or stubborn warts.
  1. Aftercare: After laser treatment, there may be some discomfort, redness, or swelling around the treated area. The dermatologist will provide specific instructions for wound care and follow-up appointments.


Cryotherapy (Freezing): 

  1. Procedure: Cryotherapy involves freezing the wart using liquid nitrogen or another freezing agent. The extreme cold temperature destroys the wart tissue by forming ice crystals within the cells, causing them to rupture.
  1. Application: The dermatologist will apply liquid nitrogen directly onto the wart using a specialized applicator, such as a cotton swab or spray. This freezes the wart, and as it thaws, a blister forms around the treated area.
  1. Effectiveness: Cryotherapy is a common and effective treatment for warts, particularly for smaller warts and verrucae. Multiple treatments may be required to completely eliminate the wart.
  1. Aftercare: After cryotherapy, the treated area may be sore, and a blister may form. It’s essential to keep the area clean and dry, and the dermatologist may recommend applying an over-the-counter medication or bandage.


– Pain: Laser treatment and cryotherapy can both cause some discomfort during and after the procedure. 

– Number of Treatments: Laser treatment often requires fewer sessions compared to cryotherapy, which may need multiple treatments spaced apart. 

– Scarring: Both treatments carry a low risk of scarring, but proper aftercare and following the dermatologist’s instructions can minimize this risk. 

– Cost: Laser treatment tends to be more expensive than cryotherapy due to the specialized equipment and expertise required. 

In summary, both laser treatment and cryotherapy are effective methods for removing warts and verrucae. The choice between these treatments may depend on factors such as the size and location of the wart, patient preference. 



No downtime
Quick process
Only a few treatments needed
More effective than traditional medicines


Warts and verrucae don’t always have to be treated. In most cases, they’ll resolve on their own over the duration of a few weeks or months. For some, the process may take years. By using our wart and verruca removal services at the Royal Wharf Clinic, individuals who have struggled with confidence and self-esteem as a result of these longstanding and unsightly growths can finally access effective treatment. We advise those wishing to pursue their treatment to familiarise themselves with the following key points: You must comply with aftercare - keeping the wound dry and dressed is essential to reducing your risk of complication or infection. We will provide you with dressings following the procedure and show you how to change them effectively. It’s less painful than conventional treatments - most people find our laser wart and verucca removal treatments much less painful than the likes of salicylic acid or cryotherapy. The procedure is performed over a short duration, ensuring minimal exposure to the laser.
To determine the best course of treatment for your condition, we must first ask you to attend an obligatory consultation with one of our cosmetic consultants. During this consultation, the consultant will take a look at your warts and verrucae to assess their condition and determine your eligibility for treatment.

You will also be asked questions surrounding your medical history and the history of your condition. Finally, we will talk you through your procedure, explaining to you how laser wart and verruca removal works, what you may feel, and how you can take care of yourself afterwards. We advise that you use this session to ask any questions you may have about the treatment.

Once the consultation is complete, we’ll register you using our HIPAA and GDPR-approved system. This allows us to facilitate appointment bookings, and gives us access to your contact details should we need to contact you at a future date. Once complete, we can book you in for your initial wart and verruca removal session at a time and date suited to your schedule.
The Motus AY laser used for the removal of warts and verrucae is generally well tolerated. However, as with all non-invasive cosmetic procedures, there still comes a minimal risk of side effects associated with equipment use, including;

Mild discomfort – laser therapy utilises heat to destroy warts and verrucae. Due to the nature of this therapy, some people may find the treatment slightly uncomfortable. The sensation can be described as a slight heat or tingle on the toes. If you have particularly sensitive skin or are anxious about the treatment at all, then just tell your clinician to pause the treatment at any time. We may be able to provide you with a topical anaesthetic that can alleviate some of the discomforts.
Irritation and blistering – the intense pulsed laser emits heat which can result in slight redness, irritation, or blistering around the treatment site. We follow strict procedure protocols to minimise the risk of any complication.

Some people may not be suitable candidates for wart and verruca laser removal treatment. For example;

Medication – certain medicines increase photosensitivity, meaning that they make your skin more susceptible to damage from light rays. Individuals who have photosensitive skin may experience more side effects associated with treatment, so it is essential that you inform us of all medications you take, both short and long-term, to allow us to determine your eligibility for treatment.

Tattoos – dark ink pigments can absorb light produced from the laser which may discolour or partially remove a tattoo. Although we will do our best to work around any tattoo that is present, individuals must be aware of the risk of damage to their ink.
Conditions – we can’t treat warts and verrucae present on the food in patients with a condition called peripheral neuropathy. This often occurs as a complication of other, complex diseases such as diabetes, and so we may ask such individuals to seek appropriate help elsewhere.


The duration of the recovery period following a wart and verruca laser removal can vary between individuals. The main factors we need to consider are; how many lesions must be removed, how sensitive a candidate’s skin is, and how big and where the lesions are. With that being said, downtime is often minimal and most people can go resume daily activities immediately after their procedure. Following treatment, the lesion will dry up in a couple of weeks, and the treatment site may turn black. This is normal and indicates the site is healing. Make sure to keep the area clean, dry, and away from the sun at all times. You may experience some itching around the area, but this will go away in a few days. You may be asked to attend another session to facilitate the removal of the wart, but some cases may be resolved after just one treatment.


If you have any more questions regarding scar and stretch mark laser treatment in London, then take a look at the following frequently asked questions.
Yes, warts occur as a result of the Human Papilloma Virus. The virus is contagious and can be spread easily through contact with other areas of the face and body. It may take weeks for a lesion to appear after initial contact.
During your initial consultation, we will assess the size and location of the lesions and advise you on the sessions needed accordingly. Rarely, some lesions may resolve after just one treatment. However, most cases require multiple sessions spaced four weeks apart for maximum effect.
Each treatment session takes around 15-20 minutes.
Yes, most people can get back to their regular daily activities immediately after treatment. If this is not the case, then you can give us a call and discuss your symptoms and management strategy with your cosmetic care specialist.
Royal Wharf Clinic

Emergency Cases

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Opening Hours

Monday9.00am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday9.00am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday9.00am - 8:00 pm
Thursday9.00am - 9:00 pm
Friday9.00am - 6:00 pm
Saturday10.00am - 6.00 pm
Sunday 10.00am - 4.00 pm