Blood Tests

Whether you’re worried about an imbalance of hormones, vitamin, or mineral deficiency, or generally feel under the weather, then turn to the safe hands of our registered doctors and phlebotomists here at the Royal Wharf Clinic in London.

Blood Tests

Through our blood analysis service, we’re able to check a variety of blood parameters that give us an overview of your general health, thereby allowing us to tailor specific treatments to you. We send all our samples to our associate laboratory, which then processes results as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Blood analysis procedures can be a scary ordeal for some, especially for those who have a phobia of needles. No matter your concern, the blood tests here at the Royal Wharf Clinic are carried out by expertly trained doctors or phlebotomists (specialists in taking blood) who work with you to make the process as safe and comfortable as possible. We can perform the tests in the comforts of a consultation room and offer you varying distraction methods.

Blood tests are crucial components of providing tailored medical treatments. They can help us determine your current nutrition status, hormone levels, and whether you have an ongoing infection. Although blood tests are routinely offered at many NHS practices, you’ll only be booked in for your appointment when presenting with physical symptoms that warrant an explanation. So, that’s where we come in. We’re here to analyse your blood regardless of symptom, to help give you peace of mind. Give us a call to learn more about the range of blood tests we offer and how we can help.

Blood Assessments



Check the general status of your health
Screen for genetic traits or conditions
Check if you have an ongoing infection
Check your hormone levels
Check your nutritional status


Whilst we appreciate that having your blood taken, no matter the situation, isn’t an experience that most people look forward to, we want to reassure you that the process is quick, easy, and relatively pain-free. We’ve compiled a list of need-to-know below to help give you a better understanding of what to expect: Quick results - unlike NHS practices and non-urgent matters, our associate laboratory processes the samples sent promptly to ensure that you aren’t anxiously waiting for your results for an extended period. It might pinch - although we do our best to make the process as pain-free as possible, some people with more sensitive pain receptors or a general phobia of needles may find the process uncomfortable. The process is quick and lasts just a few minutes, and our staff are expertly trained in performing the test using the most pain-free methods. If you have any fears or concerns, let us know so that we can arrange for a topical anaesthetic to numb the area and rid you of any pain. We may need to use multiple locations - we need to determine the best vein before taking any blood samples. For some, this may mean using veins found elsewhere in the body, such as in the hands or feet.
An initial consultation with one of our trained consultants is required to determine the levels of blood analysis required. During this consultation, you can raise your concerns and tell us which aspects of your health you’d like us to analyse. You can also use this session to ask us any questions you may have regarding your procedure and voice to us any fears or personal matters you’d like us to consider.

Our consultant will then explain how the process works, including where the blood tests will be taken and when you can expect your results to come back. Once we determine the tests you require, we may give you some specific instructions to follow before your tests, such as fasting or stopping a particular medication. We advise you to comply with our instructions to ensure that the tests are accurate.

We will need to register you with our practice using our HIPAA and GDPR-compliant system. You will be asked to fill out a consent form and varying other supplementary documents, such as a health form, to help give us an overview of your current health. Once registration is complete, we’ll book you in for your appointment at a date and time convenient for you.
Full blood count (FBC) – shows the levels of essential components of your blood, including haemoglobin, red blood cells and white blood cells. This can give a general indication of your overall health and can point to specific health problems.

Urea and electrolytes (U&Es) – show us the levels of salt minerals in your body and give us an overview of your kidney function.

Liver function tests (LFTs) – a blood test that evaluates the function of your liver by measuring levels of proteins and other substances produced or excreted by the liver.

C-reactive protein (CRP) – a protein synthesised by the liver which can be elevated in response to infection or inflammation.

Bone profile – we test for a range of components, such as calcium, magnesium, and alkaline phosphate, that help us determine your bone health.

Coagulation profile – a blood test that measures levels of clotting factors which tells us your blood’s ability to form clots.

B12 and Folate – essential B vitamins that play a crucial role in the development of cells, proteins, and DNA, and a deficiency of which can lead to conditions such as anaemia and nerve damage.

Hormone levels – we can check for specific hormone imbalances that allow us to determine the root cause of various syndromes in both males and females.

Thyroid function tests – your thyroid gland produces several vital hormones responsible for brain development, energy levels, heart function, and digestion. We can test for a thyroid level to determine if your symptoms are attributed to an abundance or deficiency of the hormone.

Vitamin profile – we can test for up to 11 vitamins to give us an idea of your current nutritional profile.

Iron studies – a blood test can give us a comprehensive analysis of the amount of iron in your blood. Low iron levels can cause certain health conditions, such as anaemia.

Please ask if there is a specific test you would like that is not listed.


Your blood samples will be sent to our associated laboratory for testing and examination before being reported back to one of our doctors. Once the results are received, we’ll give you a call and advise you on your next steps. The processing time of the results may vary depending on the type of blood test. If we have any concerns that must be addressed, our doctor will ask you to come into the clinic for a follow-up consultation to discuss the results with you in person.


For an accurate blood test, we’ll need to arrange a comprehensive consultation to determine the blood test of choice for you. An investigative process will then be initiated that includes a blood test, which is quick, simple, and often painless. Your results will then be reported back to you in a timely manner.
Most blood tests are typically only taken once. Depending on your concern and your results, we may ask to conduct further tests to conclude a diagnosis or treatment plan.
A turnaround of just a few hours can be expected for most people. However, times can vary depending on how busy our lab is and the complexity of your blood tests.
Our doctors will go through with you in detail what each component of your blood analysis means and advise you on treatment if applicable.
You may be asked to follow a set of instructions depending on the type of blood test you need. These will be given to you during your initial consultation.
Royal Wharf Clinic

Emergency Cases

Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.

Opening Hours

Monday9.00am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday9.00am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday9.00am - 8:00 pm
Thursday9.00am - 9:00 pm
Friday9.00am - 6:00 pm
Saturday10.00am - 6.00 pm
Sunday 10.00am - 4.00 pm